Frontend Developer
Hi! I'm Mario Abreu, a frontend developer.
I'm a passionate of the web and I love to learn its thecnologies.
I'm always looking forward to learn something about the web, it is a pleasure learn new things and use it in personal projects or job. To known the basics is very important, without bases we can not progress for better, so, for that, I love to learn and help other people. Here you can download my resume
Lastest Projects
SAE México is a online school, this website was developed with using gulp, pugjs, postcss and javascript. The layout comes from a figma's design
Layout development from a Adobe XD design. This is a horizontal scrolling site with a lot of image modal windows and a nice timeline used in the musseum screens.
Site simple yet nice visualy with a few parallax effects and a smooth waves at top and bottom. The inner sections has a short scrollytelling effect
The colombian human rights site is full of formatted info, with a custom search widget, a few photo carousel widgets and modal windows.
You can contact me for job or questions with the next links.